Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Big Breakfast Diet

In dieting, fads are a dime a dozen. However, a new study is showing that the "big breakfast diet" - eating a hearty breakfast followed by meals lower in calories and carbohydrates - keeps the pounds off better than strict low-carb diets. Researchers say the big breakfast diet was more effective at helping women lose weight over the study period because it controlled appetite and cravings for carbohydrate foods, which are rich in sugar and starch. As well, dieters who adhered to the big-breakfast diet consumed more fruit and therefore got more fiber and vitamins. "Only 5 per cent of low carbohydrate diets are successful after two years, and most of them do not address addictive eating impulses," said lead researcher Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, who has been using the diet successfully with patients for over 15 years. Full story.

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